The Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Venzovec was built in 1875 from brick and stone. The previous wooden church was built in 1755 in the Baroque style in the tradition of folk wooden architecture. By 1845, the church became rotten and required major repairs. In 1860, the temple was finally closed for worship. In 1872-1875 a new brick church was erected. The church is an architectural monument of retrospective-Russian style. The plastered facades are saturated with massive architectural plastic borrowed from old Russian church architecture: large facade arched portals in a keel-shaped frame, kokoshniki, rectangular panels of the base and bell towers, round shaped rosettes, planar architraves of arched window openings, large-profile cornice with crackers. The main entrance is solved by a massive and deep arched portal on large pylons.
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Dyatlovsky district, ag. Venzovec
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