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Visa-free Regions

    The site about the territory of the “Brest-Grodno”. Awgustow Canal is unique in Europe hydro technical masterpiece of early 19th century, the pearl of Neman region. The territory of the “Brest-Grodno”  is the perfect place for those, who prefer active leisure in Belarus. Visa-free tourism within the territory of  the “Brest-Grodno” is allowed for the citizens of 73 countries during 15 days. To draw up documents for visiting the visa-free territory "Brest-Grodno", a foreign citizen must contact the operator of the Belarusian travel company.


Upcoming events

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Fish soup festival "Morinskaya goldfish"

Fish soup festival "Morinskaya goldfish" MORE DETAILED... 08 / 02 / 2025

Regional festival of folk art of veteran groups "Veterans do not grow old in soul"

Regional festival of folk art of veteran groups "Veterans do not grow old in soul" MORE DETAILED... 15 / 03 / 2025


Tatjana, Kouvola

My family has been to Grodno three times already. Yet every time we discover something new in this wonderful city!


Andrzei, Sokolka

Wonderful place for leisure with kids! Got plenty positive emotions.

Irina, Druskininkai

We are waiting eagerly for the season opening! Last year we drove on the motor ship as a tourists group. We liked it so much!

Beata, Warsaw
The house-museum of Eliza Ozheshko

Wonderful cozy little museum at the street named after famous writer. A lot of interesting things and books, which belonged to E. Orzeszkowa.