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piątek, 19 sierpień 2022 13:00

A unique cultural event - the holiday "Gannensky kirmash"


At the end of August in Zelva will host a unique cultural event - the traditional local holiday "Gannensky Kirmash". The idea to hold the fair originated in the 18th century, when merchants and artisans from all over the Commonwealth and European countries gathered in Zelva. This year, within the framework of the event, many original contests will be held, following the results of which, the winners will be selected in the following nominations:  “The best decoration of the balcony”, “the best stylized costume”, “the best photos and videos on the theme of the holiday”, “the most delicious loaf”, “the brightest courtyard”, “the most beautiful horse-drawn carriage”, etc. At the exhibition of arts and crafts everyone will be able to purchase original memorable souvenirs. At the exhibition-fair of decorative and applied arts products, everyone will be able to purchase original memorable souvenirs.  Amateur groups and well-known pop singers will delight the audience with brilliant concert numbers.

Contact information: + 3751564 7 10 02, +3751564 7 11 39

 State Institution of Culture «Zelva district center of culture and folk art»

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: piątek, 19 sierpień 2022 13:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 20 sierpień 2022 04:00

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