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sobota, 16 lipiec 2022 14:00

Festiwal „Legendarne Epoki”

The second international festival of historical reconstruction "Legendary Epochs", dedicated to the Year of Historical Memory in the Republic of Belarus, will be held on July 16 in the urban village of Zelva. Entrance to the event is free.
A year ago, the festival became one of the brightest venues in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the medieval fair "Gannenski kirmash" and gathered about 5,000 local residents and guests in two days.
The location of the "Legendary Ages" this time will remain the same - a field near the old mill in Zelva, but the program promises to be even more diverse.

This year the festival will be held under the slogan "Three hundred years - the first".

Hundreds of reenactors will recreate four historical eras: the arrival of the Vikings, medieval chivalry, confrontation with Napoleon's army and the battles of the Great Patriotic War. On the main site of the festival, mass battles and single duels, equestrian tournaments and tactical maneuvers will unfold.
There will also be something to see outside the central stadium. Reenactors of each era will set up camps, where they will present the life of bygone times with maximum historical accuracy.

The festival location will not do without interactive zones, where both children and adults can find entertainment to their taste: archery and crossbow shooting ranges, medieval games, a city of craftsmen and a modern food court. The journey through history will end with an evening music show.
"Legendary Epochs" will open a series of festive events of the famous medieval fair "Gannenski kirmash", which traditionally takes place in the Zelvensky region, and this year it will be especially large-scale - it will last for three months at once: from July to September.



Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 16 lipiec 2022 14:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 16 lipiec 2022 04:00

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