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sobota, 15 lipiec 2023 14:00

Festival «Legendary Epochs»

The Legendary Epochs festival will tell about several historical periods in the development of our Motherland in an interactive format: the Early Middle Ages (“Viking Age”), the Middle Ages (“The Age of Knights”), the gentry of the Commonwealth (“The Age of the Gentry”), the Napoleonic Age (“The Age of 1812"). Each of these four legendary eras will be presented at the festival in a separate area with its own program. Each of the sites will consist of a historical camp and an interactive site where the festival program will take place. In each of the camps on the interactive site during the festival, an independent program will be held: demonstration performances, dramatizations, reconstructions, performances by musicians, dancers, tournament fights and much more. At the main festival site, each of the eras will present the most spectacular program.

In addition to the main festival site, sites of epochs, the festival will also have a city of craftsmen, a food court and interactive zones: archery and crossbow shooting ranges, medieval games, etc., as well as a platform where you can listen to folk rock and other ethnic trends .

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 15 lipiec 2023 14:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 15 lipiec 2023 03:00

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10 PLN
4 — 12°C
облачно с прояснениями
220V / 50 Hz
+03:00 (Europe/Minsk)