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sobota, 11 lipiec 2020 15:00

District holiday "Day of Beregini"

Островецкий район, д. Изобелины, Яновское водохранилище
Островецкий район, д. Изобелины, Яновское водохранилище

According to the national calendar, Bereginia is celebrated on July 15. This holiday is associated with the ancient tradition of honoring Beregin - a Slavic deity who was considered the mother of all spirits and all the wealth of the earth, protecting people from troubles and intrigues of evil spirits. You can learn about the ancient traditions of the holiday and the charms dedicated to the goddess at the regional festival "Beregini Day". Theatrical performances with the participation of mythological characters await the guests of the holiday. Everyone can take part in the competition for the best performance of the main character of the holiday - Beregini. For those who like to have fun, a youth competitive game program and an open-air disco with the participation of famous DJs are organized

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 11 lipiec 2020 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 11 lipiec 2020 21:00

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10 PLN
11 — 22°C
небольшой дождь
220V / 50 Hz
+03:00 (Europe/Minsk)