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sobota, 24 lipiec 2021 15:00

Festival of bard songs in memory of V.S. Vysotsky "Music of Hearts"

Lake Litovka, Novogrudok district
Lake Litovka, Novogrudok district

The regional festival of bard songs in memory of V. Vysotsky “Music of Hearts” annually gathers friends on the bank of Lake Litovka, Novogrudok region. It is here, on this legendary land, wherein 1969 the film by Viktor Turov "Sons Go to Battle" was filmed, during which Vladimir Vysotsky visited Novogrudok, an annual festival takes place. The songwriters, soloists, and bands working in the bard song genre not only from the Grodno region but also from other regions of Belarus take part in the main event - bard song contest. The program of the festival includes a competitive program of authors and performers, a concert of guests of the festival, entertainment for song lovers of all ages, pleasant treats, a bonfire of friendship, and a night disco.

Contact information: tel. +375 (01597) 60-250, State Cultural Institution "Novogrudok Regional Center of Culture and Folk Art" 

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 24 lipiec 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 24 lipiec 2021 03:00

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