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sobota, 14 sierpień 2021 13:00

Holiday "Honey waltz"

Vselyub, Novogrudok district
Vselyub, Novogrudok district

In mid-August, Vselyub will become a real sweet place! All honey lovers will come here in order to refill their stocks with a fresh product, to relax, and have fun. The holiday will be full of various contests, funny jokes, and games under the general title "Honey entertainment". The strong and courageous will be proposed to test themselves - to take part in a challenge “Do you like honey? Let's be friends with bees!”. At the Beehive site, every guest of the holiday will be able to take a selfie with the Bee. Also, everyone who comes to the holiday will be able to purchase a product of excellent quality, taste, and benefit.

We invite everyone to relax and enjoy the real taste of honey!

Contact information: tel. +375(01597) 61604, State Cultural Instituation "Novogrudok regional center of culture and folk art"

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 14 sierpień 2021 13:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 14 sierpień 2021 15:00

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