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sobota, 21 sierpień 2021 15:00

Holiday "Bread, cheese, kvass and good mood"

Lenin square, Novogrudok
Lenin square, Novogrudok

Festival  "Bread, cheese, kvass and good mood" (Lenin square, Novogrudok)

One of the most long-awaited and very "tasty" festivals of this summer will take place in Novogrudok district on August 22nd. The “Bread, cheese, kvass, and good mood” festival will gather the real gourmets and manufacturers of high-quality and healthy food products.

The main activities will take place at Lenin Square. For guests, tourists, participants, and all residents of Novogrudok there will be a diverse program presented. The Local brands of the region will present their products at the festival: JSC “Dairy Company “Novogrudok Gifts”, branch "Novogrudok winery" JSC "Dyatlovsky distillery" Algon ", branch" Novogrudok bakery " JSC" Grodnohlebprom". At the festival, everyone will have the opportunity to test their athletic abilities by taking part in the Cheese Olympic Games, and their intellectual abilities in the games "Tastes of Victory". There will be a degustation and an exhibition-sale of monastery bread, kvass prepared according to old recipes, honey, pancakes, herbs and balms, which will be prepared for guests by the St. Eliseevsky Lavrishevsky monastery. The festival will hold activities for different tastes: quests, lotteries, contests, quizzes, songs, jokes, and much more with prizes from partners and organizers of the festival.

Contact information: tel. +375(01597) 60-250, State Cultural Instituation "Novogrudok regional center of culture and folk art"

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 21 sierpień 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 21 sierpień 2021 20:00

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