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sobota, 18 grudzień 2021 14:00

Santa and the Snow Maiden invite kids to visit their residence

Novogrudok district, village Novosady, Lake Svityaz
Novogrudok district, village Novosady, Lake Svityaz

In Santa's residence, all 12 months will come together, like in a good old fairy tale. The time of each month has passed and the New Year is coming, so it's time, to sum up, remembering the best moments of the year, andеto hand over the reign to January! But as usual, in December, all the evil spirits will gather in order to prevent January from returning to its reign. Good always triumphs over evil! With the help of the kids, we will overcome all evil spirits, and together we will celebrate the New Year! The program includes round dances and fun games, contests and gifts, lighting a Christmas tree, and many other surprises.

It will also be possible to visit the city of craftsmen with an exhibition and sale of souvenirs and workshops from the Novogrudok regional handicraft center. Everyone can receive a sweet New Year's gift from Santa and enjoy the taste of aroma herbal tea.

Contact information: tel.+375(01597) 60-250, State Cultural Institution "Novogrudok Regional Center of Culture and Folk Art"  

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 18 grudzień 2021 14:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 18 grudzień 2021 20:00

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