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niedziela, 23 maj 2021 15:00

Regional festival-competition of family creativity "Svayakі request"

Volkovysk district, ag.Yubileiny, branch "House of culture of ag.Yubileiny"
Volkovysk district, ag.Yubileiny, branch "House of culture of ag.Yubileiny"

Family values are the real foundation of a strong family and society. According to the established good tradition, ag. Jubilee hosts the regional festival-competition of family creativity "Svayaki request ".

The creative, talented and friendly families of the Volkovysk region have prepared for you an interesting and rich program with music, songs, poetry and humor. The main motive of the holiday will be love for the small homeland, family traditions and folk art.

Real gourmets will be delighted by the exhibition-tasting of culinary products. For fans of arts and crafts and handicrafts, the competing families prepared a large exhibition-fair.

For all guests of the holiday, the museum expositions "The paths of life of the "Svayaks" and "Mom's house" will work.

"Svayaki request" and we are glad to welcome you!


Tel.: +375 1512 44923, state cultural institution "Volkovysk regional center of culture and folk art".

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: niedziela, 23 maj 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: niedziela, 23 maj 2021 15:00

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