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sobota, 07 sierpień 2021 15:00

Holiday dedicated to the Builder's Day "Century Traditions of Krasnoselsky"

Volkovyssky District, recreation park of Krasnoselsky settlement
Volkovyssky District, recreation park of Krasnoselsky settlement

Historically, every resident of the city of p. Krasnoselsky is somehow connected with the construction industry. Therefore, every year the Day of the Builder in the village is celebrated on a special scale, traditionally organizing the holiday "Century Traditions of Krasnoselsky".

The program for the guests of the holiday:

- sports competitions among the branches of JSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy;

- competition of small architectural forms "The idea helps us to create";

- a festive concert with the participation of the best soloists and groups of the Volkovysk region;

- the work of retail outlets.

Young viewers will not be bored either! Children's animation grounds and attractions will work for them.

At the end of the holiday, a retro disco awaits everyone.

We invite you to celebrate the professional holiday of builders in Krasnoselsky!


Tel.: +375 1512 44923, state cultural institution "Volkovysk regional center of culture and folk art".

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 07 sierpień 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 07 sierpień 2021 15:00

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