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sobota, 28 sierpień 2021 15:00

Holiday "Summer of bright colors!"

Grodno region, Volkovysk district, Plebanovtsy village, 13, branch "Plebanovsky House of Culture"
Grodno region, Volkovysk district, Plebanovtsy village, 13, branch "Plebanovsky House of Culture"

Summer is a time of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. But what is a summer vacation without good music and pleasant surprises? All this, as well as a sea of positive emotions, gives guests a holiday "Summer of bright color", which will take place at the site of the branch "Plebanovsky House of Culture". Fascinating contests and competitions, performances by popular performers of the Grodno region, an animation platform with life-size puppets

will give an unforgettable experience to spectators of all ages. And the bright end of the holiday will be the disco "Plyoba" so beloved by everyone.


Tel.: +375 1512 44923, state cultural institution “Volkovysk regional center of culture and folk art”.

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 28 sierpień 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 28 sierpień 2021 15:00

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