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sobota, 18 wrzesień 2021 15:00

Regional holiday "Dozhinki-2021"

Volkovysk district
Volkovysk district

The festive procession, the opening of the memorial stone "Dozhinki-2021", the awarding of the winners of the harvest, the concert program - this is all "Dozhinki-2021".

During the holiday, guests will be delighted with themed interactive farmsteads of agricultural organizations of the region with tasting of Belarusian cuisine, exhibitions of agricultural and special equipment, manufactured products of enterprises of the Volkovysk region, exhibitions and sales of folk crafts, children's play areas. Fans of sports and tourism will be pleased with the presentation of the tourist route "Rustic delicacies" of the agritourism cluster of agro-estates "Western treasury". At the site of the Volkovysk regional organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", a regional competition "Lord of the Village" will take place.


Tel.: +375 1512 44923, state cultural institution “Volkovysk regional center of culture and folk art”.

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 18 wrzesień 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: sobota, 18 wrzesień 2021 15:00

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