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piątek, 08 październik 2021 15:00

Regional competition "Super grandmother - 2021"

Volkovyssk district, the town of Ross, a branch of the “Rossian House of Culture”
Volkovyssk district, the town of Ross, a branch of the “Rossian House of Culture”

In October, in the urban village of Ross, there will be a transfer of experience from the older generation to the young, because the most active, talented and cheerful Super Grandmother of the Volkovysk region will be selected here. Representatives of the fair sex who have stepped over the 50-year mark will share valuable secrets of youth, show brilliant resourcefulness and even reveal the secrets of the correct upbringing of grandchildren, as well as demonstrate their creative abilities. Bright contestants compete with each other every year, proving that they are super athletic, super young, super fashionable, super creative, super cooks - and never lose heart. Forever young grandmothers will have to go through five difficult tests and once again give a head start to the youth!


Tel.: +375 1512 44923, state cultural institution “Volkovysk regional center of culture and folk art”.

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: piątek, 08 październik 2021 15:00
  • Event data end: piątek, 08 październik 2021 15:00

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