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sobota, 26 czerwiec 2021 22:30

Festival "Fishing at Count Chreptovich’s"

agro-town Shchorsy Novogrudok district
agro-town Shchorsy Novogrudok district

A unique event based on historical local material will be held in the agricultural town of Shchorsy. The estate of Count Chreptovich was famous as a place where the high society gathered for a "fish picnic", and the count himself was known as an avid fisherman. As time goes by, but even now people still like going to Shchorsy to fish and relax. Today "Fishing at the Count Chreptovich's" is a complex of events that includes a competition of fishermen, a gastronomic tour, workshops in baking fish and cooking fish soup, tasting dishes, and a lot of music. The program of the festival also includes a competition "Run with flippers", competitions of local beauties in skills and talents "Goldfish", pulling over seines and many "tasty" draws, "Fishing questions" and the battle "Fish Street, Anecdote Street."

“We are few, but we are in sailor striped vests” - everyone who comes to the holiday in sailor striped vests will receive a flyer to participate in a win-win lottery.

A special photo zone with animators will be there for guests where everyone can take memorable and funny photos.

We invite everyone to join the celebration. Thre will be delicious, fun, and interesting!

Contact information: tel. +375 (01597) 60-200, State Cultural Institution "Novogrudok Regional Center of Culture and Folk Art"

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Event data start: sobota, 26 czerwiec 2021 22:30
  • Event data end: niedziela, 27 czerwiec 2021 00:00

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